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After Sales Service

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After Sales Services

Customer Support

PT. Netway Indonesia
  • 0811-13510-242
  • Jl. Daan Mogot Raya KM 18, Green Sedayu Biz Park Blok DM 1 No. 63-65 Kalideres DKI Jakarta 11840

After Sales Service

  1. Maintenance & Repair
    Our service specialist have well-founded know-how concerning the use and operation of progressive cavity product in the primary markets of industrial and projects needs, oil & gas, welding equipment, scaffolding, other. You can therefore quite rightly rely on the fact that we will always provide you with the optimum technical and economical solution for your tasks.
  2. Spare Part
    When considering the purchase of a new product, the lifetime cost of the equipment is becoming increasingly important. It is the factor that distinguishes produsts of high quality from average ones. The high quality and precise fit of the main elements determine the reliability, life and durability of the product.

Service Center

Jakarta (Head Office)

Jl. Daan Mogot Raya KM 18, Green Sedayu Biz Park Blok DM1 No.63-65 Kalideres Jakarta Barat 11840
Phone: 021-29020447
Fax: 021 – 5433 2922

Balaraja (Warehouse)

Graha Balaraja Industrial Estate Kav. C5A Jl. Raya Serang KM. 27 Kec. Balaraja Barat – Tangerang
Phone: 021-29870870

Agent (Surabaya)

Komplek Pergudangan Akses Kebomas, Jl. Mayjend Sungkono No.38, Sekarkurung, Kebomas, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61124
Phone: (031) 3974836


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